Welcome! We are Rosemary, Stuart and E.J. Follow us as we travel around Australia exploring, learning and growing. We are 'vitalistic' travelers, and hopefully as our Journey unfolds we will learn to explain what that means!

We are interested in holistic health, organic farming practices, sustainable living, conscious parenting, natural learning and travel among other things so within this blog you will find articles, stories and links that reflect these interests.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

On the 6th day, there was sunshine

When we were on the Gold Coast, a good friend asked us to come and look after her chiropractic centre ASAP. So, much sooner than we were expecting, we've headed up north again, postponing our first wwoofing experience for the moment. Instead we've set up camp at our friend's house for the next eight weeks. Right on the ocean, in a lovely area, it's a short walk down to the beach. Not a bad trade off.
Friends in the area had been talking about the rain, and it's unabated nature for the last four weeks. And true to their word, from the day we arrived it rained. and rained. and rained.

And then like all things, it had an end.
So we celebrated as all good folk do and went and ate the beach.

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